The Grangers Club

About The Grangers Club

The Grangers Club is a club for people (over the age of 14), who have a learning disability. It is a place to meet up with friends and peers in a social setting where they choose to do what they want within the club environment.

We meet weekly during term time at the Hagard in Willenhall, Coventry CV3 3DG on Tuesday evenings from 6.15pm to 8.15pm for an evening of fun and friendship.

The club offers various activities each Tuesday night such as table games, cards (Uno is very popular at the moment!), dominoes, Connect Four, crayoning, arts and crafts, jigsaws, pool/snooker, and ball games, also music to dance to or just listen. We have visiting professionals to run activities such as keep fit to music, arts and crafts, drumming and sing-alongs. Trips out do occur on occasions. Members ask for activities and volunteers try to help them with that activity such as making a card.
People join in the activities when and how they choose.
We need volunteers to help us, help people to try new things or help with the activity by just joining in. Volunteers do not give any personal care.
We have a small tuck shop also open.
The club is run entirely by volunteers and is well established.
