GIC tutorial - Q&A session

GIC tutorial - Q&A session

Workshop · 21 Mar, 10:30 - 12:00
From home
3 Good health and well-being10 Reduced inequalities11 Sustainable cities and communities

Contact person

Francesca MiddletonAsk Francesca a question
Are you going? Applications closing in a month.
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Voluntary Action Coventry
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Learn how to use Get Involved Coventry - for organisations

Detailed description

Get Involved Coventry has lots of great features and functions for community organisations to engage members of the public, and is designed to make it as easy as possible for people to connect with support when they need it, and causes they care about.

If you have questions or would like support with using the platform, join our Q&A session for help with:

  • Adding your projects, events or volunteer roles on Get Involved Coventry
  • Creating custom application forms
  • Sharing or embedding your activities on other websites
  • Tracking and monitoring engagement and volunteering hours
  • Troubleshoot any function
Are you going? Applications closing in a month.
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About Voluntary Action Coventry

We are here for people who want to engage, connect or volunteer in their community, and for voluntary, community or social enterprises working in Coventry.

We work collaboratively with statutory organisations and private companies what want to help enrich the lives of Coventry residents.

Our vision is that everyone can engage within their community, identifying what matters to them and building the future they want to see.