Hosting Volunteer

Hosting Volunteer

Project role (Temporary) · Flexible hours · Starting from 14 Aug 2024
Charles St, Coventry CV1 5NP, UK
Nature & sustainabilityCommunity & familyWellbeing
2 Zero hunger3 Good health and well-being13 Climate action

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This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.6 spots left.
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FoodCycle Coventry
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FoodCycle hosting volunteers are on hand to help serve the community meals to our guests. Our hosts need to be chatty, outgoing welcoming to our guests!

Detailed description

As a team of hosting volunteers your role is to be the smiling welcoming face of FoodCycle to our guests. Your role involve getting the dining area ready for service, serving the meals when ready and chatting with our guests. No previous experience is needed as you will be guided by the Host Project Leader.

The hosting role is from 11:30-15:00 every Wednesday.

To sign up to volunteer, please register as a volunteer on the FoodCycle website and sign up to the role and session you are interested in.

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.6 spots left.
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About FoodCycle Coventry

FoodCycle is a community dining charity that aims to reduce food poverty whilst also tackling isolation and loneliness.
We have teams of volunteers that will turn surplus food into a tasty vegetarian meal that is FREE to all, no questions asked.