Volunteer Social Supermarket Delivery Assistant

Volunteer Social Supermarket Delivery Assistant

Organisation role · Flexible hours
757 Foleshill Road, Coventry, CV6 5HS, United Kingdom
RetailFood banksGrocery shopping
Community & familyPoverty reductionWellbeing
1 No Poverty2 Zero hunger3 Good health and well-being

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Feeding Coventry
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Help us sort and organise our food delivery to keep our Social Supermarket stocked up and support the community and families in need. Wednesday 9am onwards.

Detailed description

In this role, you will be supporting the community and helping families in need. You will meet lots of different people and experience a busy working environment.

On a Wednesday morning around 9am we receive our main food delivery. We are looking for volunteers who can help the team unload the food, sort it out and put it away either in the supermarket or in our store room.

Duties include:

  • Helping put deliveries away
  • Organising store room
  • Restocking the supermarket
  • Tidying, arranging and cleaning


  • Gain new skills and experience
  • See the positive impact of your work on our clients
  • Make new friends and be part of a great team
  • Build your confidence and enjoy your time with us

Shift times:

  • Wednesdays: 9:00am onwards


Volunteers are welcome whether they can help weekly or monthly, term time or during the holidays, regularly or occasionally.

Please note that all volunteers are required to undertake a DBS check, paid for by Feeding Coventry.

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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About Feeding Coventry

Feeding Coventry is a small charity with a big mission: to create a resilient community where no one goes hungry.

When people come to us, they’re often dealing with a host of complex life challenges which can include financial difficulties, mental or physical ill health, isolation, language barriers, parenting struggles and other problems.

That’s why we work with members to provide a range of support to help address the issues that led them into food poverty.

Our work focusses on the following provision:

· Social supermarket
· Advice and support
· Wellbeing activities

Our community centre offers a space to grow friendships and build inter-community support networks.

Finding solutions to long-term complex problems, our members become part of a diverse thriving community in a safe and trusted space.