Seeking Players

Seeking Players

Event · 31 Oct 2024, 15:00 - 17:00
B38 9EL, Birmingham, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom
TrainingSportsFirst aidHostingEvents & festivalFundraisingSocial mediaAccompanyingBefriendingAdvice & MentoringSocial contactCreativePhotography & filmArts & craftsEnglish
Poverty reductionSport & recreationHealth
1 No Poverty3 Good health and well-being5 Gender equality

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FC Equalise CIC
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FC Equalise squad needs you 18+ playing monthly friendly tournaments in the Mental Health League. Transport from Coventry and kit provided.

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

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About FC Equalise CIC

We are a voluntary friendship group which has a football team who play friendly matches and tournaments to raise awareness and money for good causes. The team currently plays monthly tournaments in the Mental Health League run by the Birmingham County F.A. We are always looking for anyone to join and to tackle loneliness together.